Friday, April 15, 2016

每日口说挑战 2016年4月

【TED】怎么利用20小时学习任何东西? (Josh Kaufman | 20 Hours to Learn Anything (Key Points Talk))

Now, most skills have what I call a frustration barrier. By committing to practicing whatever it is you want to do for at least 20 hours, you will be able to overcome that initial frustration barrier and stick with the practice long enough to actually reap the rewards.

【TED-Ed】百科全书的争议起源 (The controversial origins of the Encyclopedia - Addison Anderson)

The encyclopedia he left behind is many things: a cornerstone of the Enlightenment, a testament to France’s crisis of authority, evidence of popular opinions migration from pulpit and pew to café, salon, and press.

他的百科全书留下很多东西:「启蒙运动」的基石丶法国权威危机的证据丶民意从讲道坛和教徒席,转移到 咖啡店丶沙龙丶和新闻媒体的证据。

老师会不会无意间产生种族歧视呢? (Are Teachers Unintentionally Racist?)

These labels don’t require a researcher: Teachers can automatically and involuntarily apply them to students. So, it is especially important to grapple with and examine the expectations attached to them.
