2014-04-04 09:14:27 (3 天前) --- 由 eve |
2014-04-03 20:21:31 (4 天前) --- 由 ToTheGlory |
Welcome! To the Glory! Please support us as usual! |
2014-04-02 21:43:16 (5 天前) --- 由 blucola |
Change of address We are going to change the address to totheglory.im Please be prepared. |
2014-03-21 11:26:10 (2 周前) --- 由 MeGUI |
'网站已支持SSL加密访问 只为更好地保障内容安全性 请马上修改您的收藏夹地址 https://ttg.im Added SSL encryption. In order to ensure data security, please start using the following URL and change the one in your favorite. https://ttg.im' |
2014-03-12 17:13:04 (3 周前) --- 由 MeGUI |
'网站迁址顺利完成 经过一年多的筹备,我们终于搬家了. 本想在2月28日五周年庆那天就搞定的,无奈中途出了点小问题延迟至今. 来的晚总比不来强,这次正式与国际接轨! TTG建站的初衷就是一帮核心玩家的自由分享小圈子,这个理念从未变过. 我们官方从未也坚决抵制任何买卖邀请、账号、流量等赤裸裸的商业化行为. 捐助及广告的确是不得已而为之,毕竟要维持片源购买、服务器托管维护等等不菲的费用. 为使网站正常运行及持续发展,先不说我,包括很多会员都想尽一切办法,献计献策,出钱出力. 有的自掏腰包购买蓝光或游戏发布,有的为了压片更快而升级硬件,更有甚者拿出自己的东西进行义卖为网站集资. 我想正是因为有这么一群可爱可敬的人,网站风风雨雨屹立了五年. 我想正是因为大家一直对网站的热爱与支持,我多次想关站的念头被打消. 对于未来的网站走向,我憧憬:不求高端阔气上档次,只求低调平安有内涵! 感谢一路陪伴的你们... MeGUI@TTG Site migration complete. We‘ve put a lot of effort and preparation in the past year or so and we‘ve finally managed to migrate the website. The migration was planned to carry out on the same day we celebrated our fifth anniversary. Due to some minor issues, it has been delayed until now. But anyway, better late than never and we are now officially an international community! Our original intention is to provide a private platform for a small bunch of hardcore players. And it has never been changed in the past five years. We will never tolerant any invite, account or even traffic trading activities. The operation cost of our community is currently covered by myself, donations from our generous members as well as sponsors who put advertisement on our site. We sincerely appreciate these generous members and people who has been contributing to the community. Some of us share blu-ray disc or games they bought while some of us spent fortune just to upgrade their hardware to encode faster. And some of us even sell their possession to raise funds for our site. It is their passion and support that stops me from closing down the website. I will never expect our community to become the best of the best. I would rather keep low profile and be smart. Thanks to those who have been with me along the way. MeGUI@TTG ' |
2014-03-11 16:06:11 (3 周前) --- 由 MeGUI |
网站即将维护,请耐心等待,稍后进行访问 为保证稳定运行,我们将对服务器进行升级维护. 停机维护时间预计为20小时左右. 由此给您带来的不便之处敬请谅解! ======================================== We will shutdown our servers for maintenance Thanks for your understanding and we will be back ASAP.... |
2014-02-28 16:40:07 (5 周前) --- 由 MeGUI |
'‘‘生日快乐,所有TTG会员! 承蒙大家的关照与支持,今天,我们五岁啦! 感谢你们的陪伴,更感谢所有发布者管理者对网站的这份真爱与奉献! 不求大富大贵,只求你们喜欢;站愿与你同在,只盼团结友爱! 关于周年寄语,就说这些吧。请你们继续在此玩的开心,继续支持我们发展! 另原外部论坛考虑到很多不可控的因素已彻底关闭了,内部社区重新来过,请得闲就去聊聊天呗. 欢迎找BUG,传送门:http://ttg.im/forums.php 明天考核统计结束后将开启久违的全站FREELEECH,5天,请做好准备哦. 灰哥@TTG Happy birthday, to all TTG members! We are celebrating our 5th birthday! We sincerely appreciate your support and contributions allowing us to provide services to the whole community. In the meantime, we‘ve reopened our internal forum which has international section targeting non-Chinese speakers. http://ttg.im/forums.php As the member assessment is going to end soon, all torrents will be on freeleech for five days from tomorrow (GMT +8). Please be prepared. MeGUI@TTG ‘‘' |
2014-02-26 00:36:47 (5 周前) --- 由 blucola |
添加了英语界面 To English speaking members: We‘ve added English translation to our website recently. Please click the UK flag in the upper right hand corner to switch languages. Regards, ============================================= 另告知一下参加西数新春粉丝盛典的TTGerz,PT站内奖励已全部发放完毕! 如有遗漏请去论坛反馈,感谢你们的积极参与! |
2014-02-10 11:14:21 (8 周前) --- 由 MeGUI |
又增加了30名额 | 西数引领TB时代 2014西数新春粉丝盛典[上海站]招募中... 承蒙我站会员对以往活动的大力支持,这是网站第三次承办,奖品仍然给力,身在魔都的TTG小伙伴们组团围观去吧~ 具体详见传送门: http://ttg.im/bbs/thread-65005-1-1.html |
2014-01-30 11:37:21 (9 周前) --- 由 MeGUI |
新春快乐,请继续支持TTG 祝各位在新的一年里马年大吉,马到成功,马上有一切! 灰哥@TTG |