Tuesday, May 3, 2016

每日口说挑战 2016年5月

【TED-Ed】这是斯巴达!原来古代的战争是这样 (This is Sparta: Fierce warriors of the ancient world - Craig Zimmer)
Every Spartan, boy or girl, was expected to be physically strong, mentally sharp, and emotionally resilient. And it was their absolute duty to defend and promote Sparta at all costs.

每个斯巴达人,无论男女 都被期待成为身强体壮, 脑筋敏锐,情感收放自如的人。不惜代价捍卫和推动斯巴达 是他们绝对义务。

【MarieTV】过度忙碌而没时间追求想做的事? 试试这个 (Too Busy Running Your Business To Actually DO Your Business? Try This.)
And that hot mess has some serious consequences. Besides feeling stressed out because you’re drowning in to do’s, which will kill your creativity and the quality of your life, haphazardly bouncing around your day is deadly for your productivity.


流浪这么久,这才是旅行的意义 (The Point of Travel)
We should follow old-fashioned pilgrims in striving to evolve our characters according to the suggestions offered up by the places we've been to. We need to relearn how to be ambitious about travel, seeing it as a way of helping us to grow into better versions of ourselves.


【TED】增进沟通效率的10种方法 (Celeste Headlee - 10 ways to have a better conversation (Condensed Talk))
Number 9: Listen. And look, I know, it takes effort and energy to actually pay attention to someone. But, if you can't do that, you're not in a conversation. Stephen Covey said it very beautifully, he said: "Most of us don't listen with the intent to understand, we listen with the intent to reply."

第九,聆听。看着对方,我知道这需要心力。不过,如果你不这样做的话,你就不是在沟通。Stephen Covey 说得很好。他说:「大多数的人听不是为了理解,而是为了回答。」

 为何我们会跟错的人结婚?(Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person)
It explains why we rejected all those candidates, the well-balanced, mature reliable ones, as somehow a bit “boring”. And why we head instead with secret energy to those characters we unconsciously know will mess us up in such cosily familiar ways.


【TED】关於自闭症:我妈妈的坚持证明了专家是错的 (Autism - How My Unstoppable Mother Proved the Experts Wrong: Chris Varney at TEDxMelbourne)
I say how autism is a spectrum of behaviors. On one hand, it can cause children to experience social difficulties, anxiety, obsessive traits and disruptive habits. But on the other hand, it provides children with incredible gifts in memory, focus, detail, and visual perception.


思考的方式 (CARL SAGAN - A Way of Thinking)
If we are not able to ask skeptical questions to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority then we are up for grabs for the next charlatan political or religious, who comes ambling along.
